Learn Safe Parent and Pupil Guidance 01/06/20
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 6:26pm
In order to provide parents with information about how we are working to keep your child safe in school, the Learn Safe Parent and Pupil Guidance is below. This document has been created in conjunction with the Health and Safety Consultant we are working with.
In addition to this information, these are our current routines for dropping your child off in the morning and collecting them in the afternoon.
Dropping off and collecting from school
Parents of KS2 children -
- Children to bring themselves through gate at top of steps at 8.55am, no earlier
- One adult will be at top of steps
- Children to walk down steps one at a time keeping themselves 2m away from each other - imagine being an arm’s length and more away from the child in front of them
- Children turn right at bottom of steps heading to small gate, lining up 2m away from each other
- Second adult will meet children at gate to lead them round the back of the school to Class 4
- This arrangement will be the same at the end of the day at 3.10pm, just the other way round
- Mr. McGurk and Mr. Pugh are the teachers working with the KS2 group
- Mrs. Wareing and Mrs. Spencer are the supporting teaching assistants
Parents of EYFS and KS1 children
- One parent to bring child through main gate, turn left and wait on the front playground
- Mrs. Burns or Mrs. McKinley, teaching assistants supporting this group, will meet you there
- Each child will be called by name, say goodbye then walk down the path to Class 2’s door
- The teacher, either Mrs. Barclay or Miss. Massaro, will greet the child and show them in to Class 2
- When a child is upset and does not want to leave their parent, the teaching assistant on duty will lead them to the classroom
- This arrangement will be the same at the end of the day, just the other way round
- Parents of EYFS and KS1 children can collect their child from 3pm
Remember to maintain social distancing either on Back Lane or when on the school site.
Staff want to keep everything calm and positive so we think it is important for both you and your child to know what to expect for both drop off and pick up this week.
We appreciate your support with these new and different arrangements.