Home Learning

Home Learning

Every child at Archbishop Hutton's is given weekly home learning. This is vital work that helps children practice spellings and times tables, Maths skills learnt in class or to complete a task based on our school themes.  

  • Years 1 and 2, children are likely to have one or two tasks. This could be literacy or numeracy worksheets, phonics, or a short piece of topic related research or writing.  
  • In Years 3 and 4, we usually set at least two homework activities each week: typically, one literacy and one numeracy.  
  • In Years 5 and 6, children may have two or three pieces of home learning each week. The amount begins to increase to prepare children for SATs and the transition to secondary school. These activities might include Maths worksheets, researching a topic, book reviews and grammar exercises. 

All work is revision of things they have already done or accessed in school.

Parents are not expected to teach, just supervise and help if needed. 

It is really important that all of our children try their best to complete their home learning. It is good for them to learn the importance of learning beyond the classroom, and it also prepares them for later in their school career, at High School. Good habits start early.

However, it is also important that they do not get upset about it if they do not understand.  If any child can not complete their homework due to lack of understanding or lack of time please let us know. It does not matter if this happens as long as we know.  Then we can help them (and you!)

If you have problems with your child's home learning please speak to the teacher who will help in any way that they can. 

More explanation of each year group's current work can be seen on their class page. 


These reading prompts provide parents with a range of questions to ask their child and to discuss when reading with them.

Writing: Grammar and Punctuation

This document tells parents the grammar and punctuation expectations for each year group.


Children will be developing their mental maths skills. These suggestions provide parents with a range of strategies to use when helping their child to learn mental maths skills. The second document tells parents the mental maths calculations covered by each year group.

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