Class 2 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Class 2!

We are a mixed-age group, of mostly Year 1 and 2 children. We have a Teaching Assistant with us each morning (Mrs Burns Monday to Thursday, plus Mrs Spencer Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) to work with individuals and small groups, helping us with our basic skills. We are very lucky to also have a few fabulous reading buddies who volunteer with us; Mrs Ross on Wednesday afternoons and Mrs Spicer on Friday afternoons.

This half term's whole school theme is 'Time Travellers';
Class Two's topic is called "Race to the Moon"

Please see below for the Summer Term 2 Newsletter and Skills Planner for more detail on what we will be learning and the books we are using to support this topic. Our Knowledge Organiser identifies the core facts we expect pupils to know at the end of the topic, as well as the new vocabulary that they will encounter.

Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions,
or want to contribute in any way to our learning. 

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