End of Term
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 4:18pm
What a great first half term we have had back at school. All of the children have been sticking to the new Bubble rules and we are now all used to washing our hands at least 15 times a day. I have been very pleased with all of the hard work, outstanding behaviour and unbelievable fundraising which has gone on this term. They have come back to school and have thrown themselves in to their learning. The recent spelling, maths and reading tests have shown that despite the lengthy lockdown, most of our children are where they should be with their learning. This is down to the hard work of the teachers over the lockdown, setting work of a high standard which kept the children working. It is also a tribute to you all, as families who have continued to encourage the children to learn - be it in a book, on line, up a tree or up the Crag.
This week, we have finished the term with some superb science activities which have raised heart beats and boosted brain cells in equal measure. On Tuesday, I spent time watching Bubble One dancing, thinking about healthy food and learning how to make raisins dance in a bowl of lemonade. They were able to explain it all to me - but I'm not sure I could explain it to you. On Thursday, Classes 3 and 4 have been showing off their work from my Healthy Challenge. Again, I was stunned by both the quality and amount of work done. It is this that shows how engaged the children are in their learning and gives even more reason for us all to be massively proud of their efforts.
It is a shame that the term had to end with Bubble One closing, but at least it was only for a couple of school days. We look forward to welcoming them all back to school on Wednesday 4th November. Hopefully, going in to the new term we can stay fully open and coronavirus free.
As with everything we have done so far, we will do our best to make everything next term as normal as they can be in the circumstances. We wont be able to meet in the Methodist Church for a KS1 Nativity but we will find an interesting way of doing something along those lines.
Thank you for all of your help this term – learning spellings and times tables, getting home learning done, making sure everyone sticks to the rules and especially the sensible manner in which anyone who has needed to, has been tested and has kept the school fully informed along the way. Together we can keep moving forward and most importantly, keep the children in school, learning and happy.
Don't forget to keep reading the weekly newsletter and check the website for the galleries of photographs which will give you a feel for what we have been getting up to in school.
Have a great half term.
Best wishes, Mr Pugh