Hello from Mr Pugh
Date: 5th Aug 2020 @ 3:41pm
Here I am with my first blog as Headteacher.
I say first, but this is my second go at writing it because the computer decided to die just as I pressed post on the first attempt.
Anyway, I thought you'd like to know what's going on at school as we prepare for the new term and the return of everone - for the first time since the end of March.
Currently we are updating the school Covid-19 risk assessment in order to make sure we are ready for the return. During June and July we were able to run three bubble classes for the children of key workers and put in place many of the required measures. We know now what works for our school building and are confident that we can run the school day safely in September. In two weeks time, I will write another blog with all the information you will need about the class bubbles, drop off and pick up, what the children will need to bring to school (and leave at home) and how we will run lunchtimes and playtimes.
Because of the measures we will have to put in place assemblies will not be possible in the first term. Staff will run assemblies in class on Mondays and Wednesdays - with me visiting each class on a rota basis. Our very popular Friday Celebrations will have to be put on hold during the Autumn term but we will still be rewarding our children for their excellent efforts. The Planet Awards will continue - with new Space Voyager, Deep Space and Milky Way badges added to the list. Maths Hero and Writing Superstars will be awarded each week, alongside a Learner of the Week award, giving each class three chances to reward great work. This year we will also be rewarding punctuality and attendance with our weekly certificates and Time Builder rewards. Each week, when a class wins the attendance or punctuality prize they will also win 3 minutes to add to their class total. At the end of a half term, the minutes are added up and the class can decide how to use them - play time, free time, computer room, ipads etc.
The winners of the awards will appear on the newsletter as usual but also on a new Celebrate web page. Another way to celebrate and keep in touch is via the school's new podcast - Listen to This...The ABH podcast. If you have never listened, I recommend the latest episode which features Miss Watson saying goodbye and answering some staff and pupil questions. In the new year, we plan to feature work from our weekly prize winners and keep a record of all the events going on in school.
You can download the podcast at any of the links below: If you click on now, you should be able to listen straight away!
on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1BTxZHy1dICMPUr6RwyKi4
on RadioPublic: https://radiopublic.com/listen-to-thisthe-abh-podcast-GbbRBx
on Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/listen-to-this-dot-dot-dot-the-abh-podcast
on PocketCasts: https://pca.st/jw7jhdw9
It is also available on apple podcasts and google podcasts - but they don't send a link. You just need to do a search!
I hope you all enjoy the rest of the holidays - especially the predicted heatwave this weekend. I will be back with an update soon.
Mr Pugh