Our News items
PTA Leap Year Party Tickets now on sale in the School Office!, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 24/01/20, by Mrs Robinson
Cross Country competition winners!! Well done to all our children who took part & made this such a successful event., by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 17-01-20, by Mrs Robinson
Healthy Snack Guidance, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 10-01-20, by Mrs Robinson
We raised £108.82 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal last November. Thank you to everyone who contributed., by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 20-12-19, by Mrs Robinson
What brilliant Christmas performances yesterday!! Well done!!, by Mrs Robinson
Christmas Fair raised £834.90!! Thank you to everyone who helped, donated & came along!, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 13-12-19, by Mrs Robinson
Christmas Post Box now open!, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 06-12-19, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter 29-11-19, by Mrs Robinson
Harvest Festival Smartie tube collection raised over £300!!, by Mrs Robinson
Bags2School raised £63.20! , by Mrs Robinson
Can you Help at The PTA Christmas Fair? Contact the School Office, by Mrs Robinson
NSPCC Non-uniform Day raised more than £80! Thank you, by Mrs Robinson
11th - 13th November - Anti-Bullying Week - NSPCC events in school!, by Mrs Robinson
Year 6 SATs finished!, by Mrs Robinson
Newsletter, by Mrs Robinson
Parent Teacher Meetings on Thursday 10th January, by Miss Watson
Welcome to Warton Pre-School, by Miss Watson
Happy New Year!, by Miss Watson