Class 2's Lego Workshop!
Lesson: Design and technology
Class: Class 2 Year: 2018 - 2019
Thursday 11th July 2019
Today, we had a visit from Stephen from the Creative Builders Team. He brought thousands of Lego bricks with him and the challenge for us to make our own version of London. Using a range of design and structural skills we worked together in small teams to build our own versions of Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and The Shard. You may even spot an airport and a mini Wembley. Then we put it all together to create our very own city.
What an exciting day! Class 2 worked together as the fantastic team that I know they are and we got to see all the creativity, teamwork, problem solving and collaborative skills that we have been developing all year. Stephen even commented that he was impressed with the final product. Take a look at our photos. I'm very impressed with what they made together.
Plus we all LOVE LEGO!!!