PSHE in Class 2: Zones of Regulation
Lesson: PSHE and citizenship
Class: Class 2 Year: 2024 - 2025
Class 2 have started the year with lots of PSHE, discussing emotions and feelings to help them with transition from Reception - Year 1, and becoming Year 2 pupils. We have read lots of stories about worries and how to manage them so that they don't get too big and take over (like Alex's llama, in "The Drama Llama"!) We are learning about the 'Zones of Regulation', to help the children understand that all feelings are valid and OK, but that our responses and reactions to different feelings can be managed. We have talked about 'good' feelings and 'bad' feelings and will be discussing ways of changing our feelings back to the Green Zone when we need to, from the other zones. This week we thought about which feelings belong to the different zones and what events or interactions might make us feel those emotions. The zones are: Green - calm, happy, settled, ready to learn / Blue - sad, tired, sick / Yellow - giddy, silly, frustrated, worried, anxious / Red - angry, scared, overexcited. Stay posted for more information about how you can use the Zones at home, too.