Lesson: Design and technology
Class: Class 2 Year: 2023 - 2024
We were very lucky to participate in an inter-schools STEM competition recently. Key Stage 1 worked alongside some Year 5s and some very kind parent helpers, to design, make, test and evaluate functioning pneumatic dumper trucks. Class 2 worked absolutely superbly, putting all of the DT skills and knowledge they have gained ove the last term with Mr Hellier to good use. They worked brilliantly in small teams and in the end, all seven of our minibeast dumper trucks worked! The children were able to explain to me how the wheels worked and how the dumper mechanism worked, using words like axles, pivots and inflate. Leo, Erin, Eleanor and Connor went along to the competition with Mrs Gavriluk and some KS2 pupils, to represent our hard work. They won three out of the six categories! Well done, everyone.