Our Gallery
Class 3’s Visit to Leighton Moss Nature Reserve, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 11:48am
Last Tuesday, Class 3 went to Leighton Moss Nature Reserve to observe animals in their local environment. They were lucky enough to hear the 9 Bitterns calling to each other on the Reserve and saw several Marsh Harriers and some deer. They learnt about all the different habitats in the Reserve and which birds and animals live there. They also used binoculars and observed all the birds feeding on the Reserve as well as looking at nests, feathers and food chains.
Science, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 12:11pm
Class One had a lovely time exploring our school pond habitat. We learnt all about the life cycle of a frog and decided to look for some tadpoles. We were very excited to find some little tadpoles in our tanks of pond water. We used the magnifying glasses to take a closer look.
Cross Country Competition, by Mr Pugh
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 10:22am
It was a very wet and chilly afternoon on Thursday when we met with Silverdale, Carnforth Community and Holme schools, for our annual Cross Country competition. The children ran in 8 races across the year groups and we 12 gold, silver or bronze medals. In the end it was declared that we were the winners, for the fifth year running. A superb effort and despite the weather, everyone was amazing.
Solway Aviation Museum, by Miss Hughes
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 8:37pm
Class One and Class Two went to the Solway Aviation Museum in Carlisle today. This was a nice way for Class 2 to recap on their learning about the history of flight, as well as learning even more about developments in aviation over the last 100 years. The team were fantastic; so knowledgeable, helpful and super at explaining things in ways that were fun and interesting to our littlest learners! All of the children had a fantastic day and some would even love to return with their families another time! The volunteers said the children from ABH were superbly behaved and clearly knew lots about flight already - well done Class 1 and 2!
Science in a Box, by Mr Pugh
Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 4:08pm
To round off Science week we brought in Science boxes which we had made at home. We explained our boxes to children from other classes and they were displayed in an exhibition for parents. Look how great they are!
Science Week Fun, by Mr Pugh
Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 3:56pm
We had an incredible Science Week. Class One explored sound, healthy teeth and what we should feed the birds. Class Two drummed and learnt about habitats. Class Three classified animals and learnt all about birds. Class Four looked after Tea Bag Babies, compared heights and shoe sixe, learnt about Charles Darwin and investigated bird's beaks. On Friday we brought in our Science boxes and talked to our classmates about what we had learnt. We were also visited by lots of parents who came to see what we had been doing. Everyone who worked hard was given a ticket for interesting questions and answers, careful investigations and thoughtful scientific thinking. The tickets were drawn out and books and a science set were given as prizes.
Wonderful World Book Day, by Mr Pugh
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 3:28pm
A great day celebrating books. Some children came with Science themed costumes and some just came dressed as their favourite characters.
Drums!, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 3:03pm
Class One had a lovely little musical treat. We got to play Mrs Barclay's drums! We were very excited to play and found out that the drum kit can make lots of different sounds.
Spring mud pies, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 3:01pm
Class One are making the most of this lovely spring weather. We made some lovely mud pies in our mud kitchen. We used the scissors to cut up the flowers to create lots of lovely smelling soups and pies.
Music lessons in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:51pm
Mr Hellier is teaching class 2's music at the moment, and they are working hard on learning about rhythm and pulse through drumming. They have been enjoying working hard to become a 'corp of drummers', learning the importance of playing in unison. They have composed a short piece which they hope to perform in an assembly before Mr Hellier leaves us.
Painting with Light., by Mr Pugh
Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 9:14am
As part of their work on the book The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark, Class Two have been painting with light. Working against a black backdrop, they made pictures by moving their lights around.
Junk modelling, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 4:22pm
Class One have been learning all about space. In our DT lessons, our focus has been all about junk modelling. We planned, designed and made our own rockets and telescopes.
Young Voices 2024, by Mr McGurk
Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 2:48pm
On Monday 5th February, Class 4 travelled to the AO Arena in Manchester to perform alongside 9100 children as part of an amazing and massive choir. We had an amazing time, our minds were blown and the children performed amazingly.
Building Stable Structures, by Miss Hughes
Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 2:16pm
Class 2 spent this afternoon having a go at building the chair they designed last week, for a teddy bear to sit on. They watched Mr Hellier demonstrate how to join the tubes and columns they created last week to make a stable structure, reinforced where needed with stronger materials (card).
UPDATED: We have now made our chairs, and are so proud of them!! Mostly, Mr Hellier and Miss Hughes are proud of how we have been working in pairs and teams to achieve a goal together, and developing our fine motor skills. This project was tricky, but we persevered and are thrilled with what we have produced.
Multiplication in Key Stage 1, by Miss Hughes
Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 11:48am
Year 1 and Year 2 have been beginning to learn about multiplication this week, looking at how to recognise and make equal groups and count in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to count these amounts more efficiently.
Class 2 PE with MFC, by Miss Hughes
Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 11:45am
Class 2 have been enjoying having PE with Cam from Morecambe Football Club, for the last 4 weeks. Cam has been working with the children on their fundamental movement skills that contribute to striking and fielding games.
Class 1 rockets, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 3:59pm
Class one have been learning all about space. Our first challenge this week was to work in a group and build our own rocket using different materials.
Exploring Stable Structures in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 2:25pm
Class 2 investigated the structural properties of cylinders, compared with other 3D shapes, in DT this afternoon. They looked at examples in the real world, then had a go at rolling and taping paper and card to create tubes, or poles, with which to build. Next week we will move on to building structures with our cyclindrical shapes, thinking about how to make our structures even more stable.
Welcome to Mr Hellier in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 8:42am
Class 2 enjoyed their first lessons with Mr Hellier this week. He is with us intil mid-March, on his developmental teacher training from University of Cumbria.
Class 1 Visit Church, by Mr Pugh
Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 2:33pm
Class 1 visited church today to explore the features they had found out about in RE. Reverend Alice showed us around and told us all about her job.
Class 2 Maths, by Miss Hughes
Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 8:18pm
This week, class 2 have been learning about money in their Maths lessons. Year 2 are counting coins and notes, making the same amount in different ways and adding amounts with pounds and pence. Year 1 are recognising coins and making amounts up to 20p, securing their understanding of place value of amounts with a ten and ones.
Learning about shape in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 13th Jan 2024 @ 5:41pm
Class 2 are learning about shape in their Maths lessons at the moment. They have been learning to recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes, by exploring their properties. Here are Year 1 making some trains out of connecting 3D shapes, and some Year 2s exploring patterns and problem solving with 2D shape.
Historical investigation in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 13th Jan 2024 @ 5:38pm
Class 2 started the new term by being 'picture detectives'. They worked out that their topic this term is all about the History of flight, from the historical images they examined. The children then worked in pairs to decorate and build their own gliders! We will have a plane flying competition later in the term.
Christmas!, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 2:15pm
Class 1 have worked really hard to create their Christmas cards. We used oil pastels and watercolours to create a lovely Christmas tree. We had a go at drawing some of the shapes we have been learning about including triangles and circles.
We also had a go at creating the stable. We used brown paint and made marks using a lollipop stick to create a wood effect. We then ripped the masking tape and stuck it to the roof to create a straw effect. Have a look at our lovely drawings of the characters from the nativity story.
Christmas Fun, by Mr Pugh
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 1:45pm
We have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas. We have performed in a Nativity, enjoyed Christmas dinner in our jumpers, dressed up in costumes, made cards, held a super Christmas Fair and visited the Christmas Tree Festival. We entered a design a bauble competition, had a Christmas concert, visited the theatre for the panto and ran in an Elf Run. Along the way we raised £850 for St John's Hopsice and we paid to wear our jumpers by bringing a gift for the foodbank. What a time to have fun and be thankful.