Our Gallery
Passport Around the World Celebration, by Mr Pugh
Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 11:32am
Warton International Airport was busy on Tuesday 15th July. Travellers were checked in and flew off to India, Kenya and Lancaster on a whistle stop tour of the world. Stopping in each class to get their passports stamped, they learnt about each destination from the local experts. We were especially pleased to receive such positive Trip Advisor reviews from our very happy travellers.
Summer Fair 2019, by Mr Pugh
Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 11:19am
What a great day we all had on Saturday July 13th 2019. The Summer Fair was a huge hit with parents, children and visitors alike. Highlights included - The first running of the Archbishop Hutton 10K race, a tent full of prize winning chickens, a parade of perfect pooches, a heavenly hog roast and superb musical entertainment on the main stage. Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work! Together we have raised £1,575.69 - WELL DONE!
Year 6 modelling their leavers' hoodies, by Miss Watson
Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 9:22pm
Year 6 have been involved in choosing the design for their leavers' hoodies. They chose the number '19' on the back - this stands for 2019 as Year 6 are our 2019 leavers. Inside the '19' are the names of all the children in Year 6. What do you think about their leavers' hoodies?
Class 2's Lego Workshop!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 7:16pm
Thursday 11th July 2019
Today, we had a visit from Stephen from the Creative Builders Team. He brought thousands of Lego bricks with him and the challenge for us to make our own version of London. Using a range of design and structural skills we worked together in small teams to build our own versions of Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and The Shard. You may even spot an airport and a mini Wembley. Then we put it all together to create our very own city.
What an exciting day! Class 2 worked together as the fantastic team that I know they are and we got to see all the creativity, teamwork, problem solving and collaborative skills that we have been developing all year. Stephen even commented that he was impressed with the final product. Take a look at our photos. I'm very impressed with what they made together.
Plus we all LOVE LEGO!!!
Bike-ability, by Mr Pugh
Date: 3rd Jul 2019 @ 1:43pm
Road safety is very important - which is why Year Six took part in two days of Bike-ability training on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July 2019.
Sports Day Success, by Miss Watson
Date: 2nd Jul 2019 @ 3:42pm
We held our Sports Day on Tuesday 2nd July. Just like last year, the morning involved children working in mixed age teams to complete a series of eight skill challenges. The skill challenges included shooting goals in both football and netball; discus, shotput and javelin throwing; long jump, hurdles and shuttle run. Children have been practising these skills during their P.E. lessons with Mr. Harris this half-term. All children earned team points during each activity.
In the afternoon, children were involved in a series of traditional races - sprinting, balancing quoits, relay and finally a lap (or two for Year 5 and Year 6!) round our track. The first four winners of each race won points for their teams.
When all the team points had been totalled, Mr. Harris informed everyone of the final result! Congratulations to Hutton who won the Sports Day Cup once again!
Many thanks to
- Mrs. Gavriluk and Mr. Harris for planning and organising this successful sports day
- All the parent volunteers and staff who supervised the different activities
- P.T.A. ladies for providing refreshments
- All those parents and other family members who joined us to enjoy our sports day
- All our children for showing us their best sporting performance - you were BRILLIANT!
- A special thank you and well done to all the Year 6 team leaders who did a FAB job managing their teams
Not a Load of Rubbish! - A Visit from Lancaster Recycling Team, by Mr Pugh
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 2:28pm
Friday 21st June 2019: Matthew O’Neill who is the Waste Management Officer at Lancaster City Council, came to visit Class 4 today and taught us about the importance of recycling and re-using if we want to protect the environment. Thanks for bringing the truck to see us!
Tag Rugby Festival - June 2019, by Mr Pugh
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 11:24am
What a great day we had at the Rugby Festival at Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club. We learnt new skills and enjoyed being part of a team.
Testing materials , by Miss Fearon
Date: 14th May 2019 @ 9:36pm
Class One have been learning all about materials and their properties. We tested different materials to see which one would be best to use as a coat for the robot. We used water and pipettes and dropped the water onto the top of the material. We put a tick or a cross next to the picture of the material on our checklists.
Class 2's Big Books of Science!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 10th May 2019 @ 12:02pm
Class 2 have been using their 'Big Books of Science' to record our plant investigation. We used them to decide what we would investigate, what we would do, what we thought would happen and what we actually found out.
Here are just a few examples of all thier hard work.
Flying Paper Aeroplanes - Fun with Forces, by Mr Pugh
Date: 10th May 2019 @ 11:24am
Class 2's Chick Visitors, by Mr McGurk
Date: 9th May 2019 @ 7:59pm
To help us understand animal life cycles Class 2 have been very lucky to have some very new visitors.
Thomas Hizzard's family brought in an incubator with a small clutch of eggs for us to watch and observe.
It was very exciting and we were very lucky to have 9 chicks hatch in our classroom. We even got to see some of the chicks push their way out of their shells and chip their way out withtheir egg tooth. We learned to identify some of the breeds such as White Wine Dots, Rhode Island Reds and Pekins. One of the most exciting moments was when we discovered that 'Batchick', who is a black chick, is an unknown breed and we are still hoping to find out more. We have researched the life cycles of chicks and hens and look out for some of our writing appearing soon.
What a brilliant experience.
School Councillors visit Building Site to receive donation, by Miss Watson
Date: 29th Apr 2019 @ 4:25pm
On Monday 1st April, School Councillors were invited to Wilsons & Co building site in Warton. They went to meet Evelyn, the first home owner to move on to the development, and to receive a £1,000 donation from Wilsons for the BIG I.T. Drive. Wilsons asked School Council to write an article for Lancaster Guardian, this was collated by a team of Year 6 reporters and published on Friday 5th April. The children were delighted to receive such a big cheque and could not wait to show it to everyone back at school.
Music Concert April 2019, by Mr Pugh
Date: 5th Apr 2019 @ 11:20am
The School Hall was alive with the sound of music on 4th April when we were treated to a concert by Mr Foster's Music group. Here's a taster of what we enjoyed...
Our trip to The Judges Lodgings in Lancaster!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 27th Feb 2019 @ 6:43pm
Our topic for the first part of the spring term has been all about 'Our Childhood'. We have been learning all about what it was like to be a child for our parents, grandparents and as far back as the Victorians.
The Judges Lodgings is a museum in Lancaster dedicated to teaching us all about childhood through the ages. We dressed up as Victorian school children, learned what it was like to work in a Victorian home, met some interesting people and even handled some old toys oursleves.
We learned so much and this is just a snapshot of our day!
History Detectives- What was childhood like for our parents and grandparents?, by Mr McGurk
Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 6:40pm
Out topic this half term is all about 'Our Childhood'
Class 2 are going to be history detectives and are going to learn about what childhood has been like throughout recent history.
We invited parents and grandparents into school to talk about their childhoods. We prepared lots of questions to ask them and they brought some amazing artefacts from their childhoods to show us. What a brilliant afternoon.
A big thankyou to all the visitors to our class.
Mr McGurk and Class 2
Class 3 Healthy Meals, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 8th Jan 2019 @ 4:08pm
Last term Class 3 had a wonderful time designing, making and evaluating healthy meals. Each child then made their own healthy meal from scratch and produced some delicious meals -as you can see!
Our Musicians performing at the Christmas Tree Festival, by Miss Watson
Date: 6th Jan 2019 @ 11:59am
On Friday 14th December, Mr. Foster and our musicians visited St. Oswald's Christmas Tree Festival to entertain visitors.
Here is our school's contribution to the Christmas Tree Festival.
The decorations were created by Class 4 using recycled CDs. Class 4 chose CDs to remind everyone about our fundraising for The BIG I.T. Drive. Great work Class 4!
Our musicians performed three group tunes and some individual pieces. This was the children's first public performance. Watch the video below to listen to them play.
Mr. Foster works in our school every Thursday teaching children to play the guitar, ukulele and piano.
Well done everybody!
Christmas Fun!, by Miss Watson
Date: 6th Jan 2019 @ 11:43am
Children, staff and governors enjoyed their Christmas dinner on the last day of term.
Everyone wore their Christmas jumpers.
Well done to Olwyn and Amanda - our fantastic school cooks - for creating such a delicious dinner!
Thanks to Mr. McGurk for organising the Christmas movie quiz to keep us entertained!
Our Christmas performance of 'The Inn-spectors', by Miss Watson
Date: 6th Jan 2019 @ 11:00am
Congratulations to the children involved in the performances of 'The Inn-spectors'
on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th December - you were all amazing! '
Christingle Fun!, by Miss Watson
Date: 9th Dec 2018 @ 11:58am
On Friday morning Father Robin set us a challenging task - to create 150 Christingles ready for this Sunday's Christingle Service! Father Robin explained how to make a Christingle then we got to work. Reverend Emma and some parent volunteers were on hand to help out in the Learning Lab. Class 3 learnt how to make a Christingle first then they worked together with the younger children in Class 1 and Class 2. The children supported each other really well. When Class 4 had their turn, they really had to speed up Christingle production in order to meet Father Robin's 150 Christingle target before lunchtime! Job done!
You can find out more about Christingle at
We hope everyone enjoys the Joint Anglican and Christingle Service on Sunday 9th December at 4p.m. in St. Oswald's Church.
Class 1 and 2 get together to create our very own miniature Warton!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 29th Oct 2018 @ 8:51pm
Just before half term Classes 1 and 2 joined up to create a miniature version of Warton.
By using all that we learned this half term we worked very hard and created Main Street and the surrounding buildings. It was a fantastic morning and gave all the children in both classes to mix up and work with different children.
Which landmarks can you spot?
Making poppies for Remembrance Sunday, by Miss Watson
Date: 23rd Oct 2018 @ 3:54pm
On Wednesday 10th October all the children got involved in making poppies. Elizabeth Figg, Father Robin's wife, is co-ordinating a huge poppy making effort in Warton, Yealand and Borwick involving the parishoners, schools and communities. The poppies will be displayed in the three churches as part of the build up to Remembrance Day on Sunday 11th November, the centenary of the end of World War 1, when the whole country will be marking this historic occasion. Many thanks to Elizabeth, parents and grandparents who came to help.
Reading Workshop for parents!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 16th Oct 2018 @ 9:29pm
On Thursday 11th October, Mr McGurk welcomed parents to a workshop to explore how we can best teach reading and encourage children to enjoy and explore what we read. We had a super morning enjoyed having parents in class taking part in our reading workshop.
Look out for more opportunties for parents to come in and explore our reading workshops in the future!
Our Field Trip to the Crag, by Mr McGurk
Date: 16th Oct 2018 @ 9:20pm
Class 2 had an amazing day exploring the Crag and finding out more about local landmarks and history.
What a day it was! The wind really took it out of us but Bea, the park ranger, took us on quite an adventure. She introduced us to some new and exciting parts of the Crag, including an old ruined house and mystery artefacts.
Take a look and see how we got on.