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Meet the school cousellors for Class 2, by Miss Massaro
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 4:49pm
Jorgie and Duncan were voted to be our school counsellors this year in Class 2. We all know what a super job they will do!
Our School - The Past, by Mr Pugh
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 9:38am
When the barn was pulled down we found a treasure trove of photos, log books and mementos from the school’s past.
The log books are full of insights into what Warton and the school were like from 1900 - to the 1980s. A highlight is an attendance report of 37%, which I think would have us shut down now! It's also interesting how the school seemed to grind to a crashing halt if it snowed or rained as Millhead was deemed to far away to bother travelling in from if the weather was in the least bit rough.
I hope you enjoy looking at these blasts from the past and I will add more as I get the time to photograph them.
Mr Pugh
Brilliant Bodies - Brilliant Workers, by Mr Pugh
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 9:19am
We have now reached the end of our first whole school theme of the year. Every class has enjoyed learning about the human body; how it works, how to look after our health and how to stay fit. We have measured heartbeats, learnt about nutrition and developed an understanding of the importance of exercise.
This week we ended the theme with a celebration week.
On Tuesday, Classes 1 and 2 had a Brilliant Bodies morning with various activities. As well as thinking about the food they eat, they danced to raise their heartbeats and learnt about raisin floating in lemonade. (ask them and they will explain much better than I can)
On Thursday, Classes 3 and 4 joined in the fun with an Invention Challenge and a heart rate raising Orienteering course around the school grounds.
On Thursday we also had a Great Big Show and Tell where everyone brought in their work done for Mr Pugh’s Healthy Challenge. This gave children the opportunity to show their friends what they have been learning at home. We saw recipe books, food diaries, sportstar powerpoints and posters and Freddie in Class 3 even managed to make a film of him interviewing a Paralympian. Cracking stuff everyone!!
Every piece of work done for the challenge received 20TP and every child who took part received a special certificate. KS1 children will receive their certificates after half term.
Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 1:45pm
WOW! Looking at the weather forecast last night, Mr Pugh thought he was definitely going to have to cancel the run. But despite the showers, we used our Super Powers and ran like the wind. Thanks to everyone who took part in the Super Hero Super Run for the Big IT Drive 3. We got wet but we had fun!
What a Bunch of Home Learning Superstars, by Mr Pugh
Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 2:57pm
Each week the teachers have been setting lots of home learning for their classes. Many of our children have also made their own fun and followed their interests over lockdown. Here is a collection of their efforts, teacher guided and self motivated. What a great display of hard work!
Bubble Life Continues, by Mr Pugh
Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 1:57pm
Hello Everyone!
Bubble life continues this week with 3 bubbles across the school. Bubble 1 are in class 2 and have been enjoying the sunshine and working hard all week. Bubble 2 are in class 3. They have been re-writing the Owl and the Pussycat and have been very artistic. Bubble 3 are based in class 4. They have been exploring the nature of our field with rubbings, sketches and a leaf hunt. They have learnt about sun safety.
This week we are sending home Bubble and Home Learning learners of the week awards. Look out for the winners on the newsletter.
Also, remember to listen to episode one of our podcast - Listen to This...The ABH Podcast. Go to the podcast blog and follow the links.
Goodbye to the barn! 15/06/20, by Miss Watson
Date: 16th Jun 2020 @ 9:14pm
On Monday we said goodbye to the old stone barn that has sat on the edge of our school site for a long time.
The barn has been demolished because it was delapidated and unsafe.
Next term Mr. Pugh will involve some children in consulting with the local residents about how to develop the area where the barn was.
Life in a bubble! 02/06/20, by Miss Watson
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 2:38pm
Today has been our first day for Key Worker children being organised in bubbles.
There are currently three bubbles in school - Warton Pre-School bubble, YR/Y1/Y2 bubble and Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 bubble.
The children spend all day in their own bubble with staff, working both in their classroom, the Computer Room and outside.
Playtime and lunchtime have been spent outside today with groups using different parts of the field and having access to both sunshine and shade.
The children have adjusted well to these changes and impressed the staff with their social distancing. Well done everybody!
Here are a few photos to give you a glimpse in to life in a bubble.
Friday 5th June update - what do children and staff think about life in a bubble?
'I think the children have adapted remarkably well, they are aware of what is happening and why - they have been absolutely fantastic!' Mrs. Burns who is working with the younger children
'I'm glad that school's taking our safety so seriously.' Y5 pupil
'It's better because we have our own equipment that is only for us to touch. This means we are spreading less germs.' Y4 pupil
'It is easier working with just children in Key Stage 2. This is more manageable with a narrower age range. The children have been incredibly well behaved.' Mr. Pugh
'It is lovely to see more children in school and to catch up with different children.The children have just got on with it, taking the bubble changes on board really well.' Mrs. Wareing who is working with Key Stage 2
''We are still washing hands and using hand sanitiser a lot. When we move around the school we have to socially distance. We even socially distanced during P.E. with Mr. Harris.' Year 6 child
'It is good to be with friends in our classroom.' Year 2 child
'I am very proud that everyone - children, parents and staff - has adapted so quickly and easily to the new organisation and routines. WELL DONE TO YOU ALL!' Miss. Watson
The World Book Day Canteen, by Mr Pugh
Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 1:31pm
World Book Day can be such hard work. Even book characters have to stop and get some lunch. Check out the gang of characters who leapt from the pages of the library and joined us for a celebratory Hogwarts lunch.
Class 2 Nest Builders, by Mr McGurk
Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 6:11pm
This half term we will be learning all about habitats.
Whilst visiting the crag last week we collected lots of materials so that we could carry out an investigation about how to build nests. Can we build a strong and waterproof nests and can we choose appropriate places to build them.
The children had lots of fun working in their science teams to build them and we are looking forward to seeing if we have been successful.
Stig of the Dump, by Mr Pugh
Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 2:53pm
To complete our study of the book Stig of the Dump by Clive King, we designed and built stage sets for production of a play. We thought hard about the description of the dump and we worked in threes to produce interesting 3D models.
Chinese New Year Activities, by Mr Pugh
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 1:16pm
What a great day we had on Monday 27th January when we were visited by Cecile & Lin LI to celebrate Chinese New Year - the Year of the Rat.
Cross Country Success!, by Miss Watson
Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:47pm
On the afternoon of Thursday 23rd January, our school hosted a cross country event, the first School Sports Partnership of this academic year. Eight schools joined in with nearly 200 children running three times round our course. Our mixed team of Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children did a stunning job achieving great success as the competition winners, earning 80 points between them!!! Archie Spicer came first with Harry Liley second in Year 5 boys’ race; Ella Brayshaw and Grace Cook came second and third in the Year 5 girls’ race. Many thanks to Mrs Gavriluk and Tim Fletcher (School Sports Partnership Co-ordinator) who organised this event! Thanks to all those parent/grandparent volunteers and members of Class 4 for their marshalling skills and to Ian McVety, our chief photographer. |
CONGRATULATIONS to our impressive team of cross country runners – you were BRILLIANT!
Key Stage 1 Nativity 2019 - I'm gonna Shine!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 20th Dec 2019 @ 1:47pm
This year Classes 1 and 2 performed their magical Nativity 'I'm Gonna Shine!'
They were amazing and did themselves and the school proud. What a bunch of superstars in the making!
Craig McCann's visit, by Miss Watson
Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 8:20pm
Craig McCann visited us with Tony, the Sportivator.
They organised a fitness circuit for us that included star jumps, press ups, leg drives and spotty dog exercises.
Then Craig shared his inspirational story.
Craig's dream was to join the RAF. When he went for a medical, the doctor discovered a brain tumour. Following an operation to remove this brain tumour, Craig’s hearing, speech and use of limbs on his left hand side were affected.
Craig could no longer achieve his dream of joining the RAF.
In 2010, Craig started a new career in wheelchair fencing. Then he started to work towards being the best wheelchair fencer he could be.
Craig was a Paralympian fencer and competed at the London Olympics in 2012.
Now Craig is a Paralympian cyclist. He hopes to be cycling at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
Craig told us that to be the best we can be, we need to:
GIVE 100%
We enjoyed Craig’s visit -
both the fitness circuit when we worked hard and were energetic
AND Craig’s talk which inspired us to
BE the BEST we can BE!
Moon Shape Poems by Year's 1 and 2!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 12:31pm
Following our visit to The Priory in Lancaster to see the Moon exhibit years 1 and 2 have worked hard to create their own moon based shape poems. We spent a great deal of time exploring and developing our vocabulary before creating these masterpieces. Enjoy!
Team Thursdays - off to a cracking start!, by Mr Pugh
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 12:59pm
This week we launched our new Team Thursdays. Lead by the team captains every member of the team, from reception to Y6 all spend lunchtime together playing games and getting to know their team members better. What a great time we had today skipping, running on the track, playing dodgeball and competing to score the most penalties.
Years 1 and 2 visit the Moon!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 12:38pm
Wow! What an amazing trip to see the Moon at Lancaster Priory.
The children were in awe of the 7 metre diameter moon in the rafters of the Priory. Absolutely stunning. They were so sensible and were a credit to our school. Members of the public and even the staff have commented on how polite, well behaved and inquisitive the children are.
We cannot wait to start out Neil Armstrong and the moon topic in the New Year!
Fireworks Poetry - Class 4 - November 5th 2019, by Mr Pugh
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 12:44pm
We have been studying poetry rich with imagry. We have learnt about:
personification - giving objects the characteristics of humans simile - when a writer says something is like something else metaphor - when a writer says something is smething else onomatopia - words which, when said, sound like the noise made - pop, whizz, splat
Here are our Fireowrk poems using these ideas. We hope you like them.
Islam: Imran's visit and a trip to the Mosque, by Mr Pugh
Date: 4th Nov 2019 @ 10:32am
Just before half term we were visited by Imran who came in to talk to us about Islam. He showed us artefacts and explained the Five Pillars of Islam. Then he worked with Class 3 and Class 4 teaching them about prayer and pilgrimage.
What a great day we had during our visit to Zakariyya Mosque in Bolton. It was a very informative visit and a great way to round off our R.E. learning about Islam. Check out our photos. Here you can see the children taking part in Wudu (the act of cleaning the body before prayer) and wowing the Mosque members with their knowledge of the subject.
Town Builders!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 7:17pm
Class 2 have become town builders!
We spent a whole morning working together in the hall to create our own town using all the knowledge of towns, road furniture and buildings we have been discovering. Check out all our work and see the display outside our classroom for more!
Class 2's Carnforth Fieldwork!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 7:03pm
Class 2 have been learning all about towns and what makes them special.
As part of our geography topic we have been focusing on Carnforth. We have carried out a road furniture survey and focussed on the many features of towns such as traffic signs, buildings and the roads themselves. Class 2 have been amazing and have learned alot. Plus their walking stamina was amazing.
Ask them all about it at home and be sure to help them spot all the road furniture around us!
Year 6 Leavers' Party, by Miss Watson
Date: 19th Jul 2019 @ 1:27pm
The P.T.A. kindly organised a Leavers' Party for Year 6 at the Village Hall. Queen and Bon Jovi played loudly as Year 6 moved to the 1980's beat! Limbo dancing proved popular with many Y6 experts showing off their skills!
Class 2's Masai Kissing Masks, by Mr McGurk
Date: 19th Jul 2019 @ 10:15am
Class 2 have had an amazing time exploring the lives of the Kenyan Masai tribe. To finish off our topic they have designed and made their own Masai kissing masks.
The Masai would wear these to dance, entertain and show the tourists.
Class 1's Lego Workshop!, by Miss Fearon
Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 6:28pm