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Class 2 outdoor learning, by Miss Massaro
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:32pm
Class 2 had the opportunity to go out in the sunshine as part of our Maths lesson. We have been studying arrays and we used different number sentences to make our own arrays using cones. The children worked very well together and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of learning outside the classroom.
Nativity - The Inspector, by Miss Massaro
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:29pm
Class 4 Planetarium visit!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:17pm
As part of our science topic, Class 4 received a visit from the planetarium team at Lancaster Univeristy. They wowed us with their interactive journey through space before we got to make our planets designed by the children in our class. What an amazing day!
Class 4 Archery Competition, by Mr McGurk
Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:08pm
Class 4 have recently taken part in an inter-school archery competition. We had some impressive archers with Kacey and Katie pulling in some of our highest scores! A few Robin Hoods in the making!!,
Class3 Science in a box, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 3:25pm
This week has been Science week in school and the end of the week was marked with children bringing a box with a science theme inside. These are Class 3's which are all excellent. The children voted for their favourite. Duncan's solar system was the winner,closely followed by Micah's Digestive system and in third place was Thomas's farm! Well done to everyone who made one and for all the help from parents to make them.
Class 2 Super Science Week, by Miss Massaro
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 6:45pm
What an amazing week of Science we have had in Class 2. We started off the week by looking and feeling lots of different materials. We then began to think about the properties and use some adjectives to describe them. On Thursday and Friday we completed two investigations, 'colour changing milk' and 'the exploding sandwich bag!'
The children made predictions and were able to explain what had happened. On Friday all of the class dressed up and brought in their Science in a box.
Meteorite Impact Investigations, by Mr McGurk
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 4:21pm
As part of science week, Class 4 have been investigating the impact craters of meteorites. What effects the depth and size of craters and why? We decided to test height, mass, weight, weight shape and materials. We enjoyed being able to make our predictions and test them as part of science work!
Science Week - STEM Space Engineers, by Mr McGurk
Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 7:12am
Science Week 23/11/21
STEM Visit from Lancaster University
This week, Class 4 were visited by Doctor Irene from the Lancaster Unviveristy to talk about engineering and its application to the world of space science.
The children took part in three investigations; Apollo 13 Emergency, materials tests for the space shuttle and building a Mars lander for future space exploration!
The children had to use their prior knowledge, teamwork, outside the box thinking, planning skills and many other skills. The children have been challenged to become ... Engineers!
Class 4 go skipping!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 6:59am
Class 4 were visited by a marvellous skipping coach last week! We picked up lots of new skills, skipped alone and in groups and were pushed to our skipping limits!
Class 2 go to Carnforth, by Miss Massaro
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:26pm
Class 2 went on a trip to Carnforth on Wednesday. They were walking around the town looking for different types of road furniture.
National Poetry Day Assembly, by Mr McGurk
Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 5:36pm
On Friday 8th October, as part of our new Super Readers scheme, all the children celebrated National Poetry Day. From 'Oy Frog,' to poems about pirates, pigs and strict teachers, all classes have been reading and performing poetry and ended the day with a performance for parents at celebration assembly!!
Class 2 are ready for the England final!, by Miss Massaro
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 12:30pm
Class 2 Cress Experiment, by Miss Massaro
Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 3:49pm
As part of our Science we have been exploring plants. Take a look at some of the plant pot designs that the children have made!
Class 2 Minibeast Workshop, by Miss Massaro
Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 3:40pm
Class 4, by Mr McGurk
Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 9:28pm
This half term our topic is based on science and forces.
We have been exploring resistance. What is it and how does it affect falling objects?
The children decided to test how the material and size of a prachute affect the speed of descent! Take a look at our scientist in action.
Class 4 Cricket, by Mr McGurk
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 9:50am
Class 4 have have been lucky enough to have been visited by Steve Pemberton, a cricket coach from the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. We are beginning to develop our cricket skills and playing games of diamond cricket.
Class 4 Lego City Builders, by Mr McGurk
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 9:19am
Class 4 have had a visit from Stephen from the Creative Builders Team. He brought thousands of Lego bricks with him and the challenge for us to become Electro City Builders. Using a range of design and structural skills we worked together in small teams to build our own amazing powered up city!
What an amazing day! Class 4 worked together as the fantastic team that I know they are and we got to see all the creativity, teamwork, problem solving and collaborative skills that we have been developing all year. Stephen even commented that he was impressed with the final product. Take a look at our photos. I'm very impressed with what they made together.
Viking Figureheads, by Mr McGurk
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 8:23am
Class 4 have been learning all about the Vikings and as part of our topic we have been designing and creating longship figureheads. These would have been used by the vikings to inspire fear in their enemies and intimidate others. Class 4 have worked incredibly hard on their designs, I think the Vikings would have been impressed and tha Anglo Saxons would have been terrified!
World Book Day 2021, by Mr Pugh
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 2:40pm
World Book Day - Thursday 4th March 2021
What a great day we had celebrating World Book Day this term. Teachers and children in school and at home dressed up and joined in with book related activities and online lessons. Well done to everyone - you did a great job!
Christmas Celebrations, by Mr Pugh
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:42pm
What a great week term we have had at Archbishop Huttons. We have all worked really hard and this week we have had some Christmas fun to round off the term. Christmas jumper day, Craft activities, Chrismas dinner, a visit to the Virtual Panto and our Christmas present room. We even managed to have a Christmas Music concert in the hall where Year 5 and 6 pupils played the music they have learnt with Mr Foster. Not bad for a socially distanced celebration.
Get to the Anderson Shelters!!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 9:23pm
Class 4 have been learning all about World War 2!
We have learned all about the Blitz and what people must have been experienced during this traumatic time. We discovered that many people would build Anderson Shelters in their gardens. The children designed their own Anderson shelters and then worked together to build small scale models.
The children worked incredibly hard and I am impressed with the attention to detail and how hard they have worked on these! Check them out
Class 4 are being evacuated!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 30th Nov 2020 @ 4:08pm
Class 4 gave been visited by ARP Warden Riley as part of our history topic. We have had a great day. Take a look at what we have been upto!
Be SMART on the Internet, by Mr Pugh
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:20pm
What a great day we had on Friday 27th November 2020, learning all about online safety and Cyberbullying. Class 2 made flipboards with all of their ideas, Class 3 learnt the SMART rules and Class 4 created their own character - B.R.A.D! - Block the bullies, Report the bullies, Adult - tell them, Delete the app.
Check out our Be SMART on the Internet page for more ideas if you want to discuss this important topic at home.
Class 2 Children In Need, by Miss Massaro
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 3:57pm
Sugar Investigation Class 2, by Miss Massaro
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 4:56pm
As part of our topic Class 2 investigated how much sugar was in different drinks. The children were shocked and surprised at what we found out!