Our Gallery

Sculpture, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 12:16pm

Class One have been learning all about Sculpture. Our artist of the term is James Brunt. We have looked at a range of natural sculptures he has made and talked about what we like about them. We then practised moulding dough to create our own sculpture and then used a range of tools to create impressions and patterns in the dough.

Clever Conjunctions!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 4:29pm

In Class 2 this week, Miss Watson worked with the children to help them understand what conjunctions are.  All of the children can now confidently use 'and', 'or', 'but' and 'so' in their spoken sentences and are learning to use these, as well as 'because', 'if' and 'which' in their writing.  Well done Year 1 & 2 children! 

Open Gardens - Scarecrow Visit, by Miss Hughes

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 4:16pm

After members of the Garden Society came in to work with us, to build scarecrows for the Open Gardens festival, we were invited to go and see our scarecrows in situ around Warton.  So, on Thursday, all four classes went for a trip around the village, visiting local residents' beautiful gardens! We were amazed by how big some of them were (we learnt the word "vast" in class!) and how much time, energy and care had gone into creating incredible spaces.  We loved spotting our scarecrows in the real world and were even honoured to name one and to see our names on a special plaque by another!  A huge well done to all of the children who behaved beautifully and represented our school wonderfully whilst out and about.  Can you spot our scarecrows in the pictures?  

Free tickets have been offered to the families of the children who took part in the making of the scarecrows, for this weekend, and other families are welcome to buy tickets to go and see the gardens too - all money raised goes to a range of superb charities.

Class 4 - Our Mathieu Laca Art Gallery, by Mr McGurk

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 8:50pm

Over the last few weeks, Class 4 have been studying and exploring the art of Mathieu Laca, a Canadian artist, who uses colour and texture to paint people who inspire him. Whether this has been a scientist, artist or musician. He also ensures that his work represents their inspiration as well as their darker side.

The children have work exceptionally hard to produce their own portraits of people who inspire us, such as Rita Ora, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Marcus Rashford or Bob Ross.

I have been impressed by their focus, skill and how their abilities have developed as the imitated the style of this remarkable artist.

Enjoy their gallery!

Mr McGurk

Class 2 Geography, by Miss Hughes

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 4:29pm

Class 2 have worked very hard this week, learning to name the seven continents and five oceans of the world.  They have even been learning to locate them on maps, globes and in atlases!  We are learning that a continent is a large land mass, made up of many countries and an ocean is a large expanse of salt water, consisting of seas and open ocean.  We can even tell you which is the largest, coldest, deepest and the shapes and locations of some of them!  

Then we learnt facts and information about Kenya, ready to start comparing it with England, next week.  We loved diving into factfiles and reading with our partners, to find out the most interesting fact we could.  Did you know over 1 million wildebeest cross the Mara river every year, during the great wildebeest migration?  We also found out that Lake Victoria is the second largest fresh-water lake in the world! 

Athletics and Sports Day practise in Key Stage 1, by Miss Hughes

Date: 8th Jun 2023 @ 4:52pm

Class 2 had a blast doing PE in the sun this afternoon, beginning to learn some athletics skills including throwing, rolling, hopping and agility.  PE lessons are getting very warm now, so please make sure kit comes into school on PE days, as well as water bottles!  We are looking forward to Sports Day in a few weeks.

Tri-Golf competition Years3&4, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 7th Jun 2023 @ 1:27pm

Time for take off!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 6th Jun 2023 @ 4:28pm

Class 2 kick-started their Kenya topic today, linked to our school theme of 'Journeys Big and Small', by taking a flight to Africa!  The children queued up at check-in to receive their passports, then boarded Hutton Airways with their luggage and found their seats and boarding passes.  We took off from a cloudy Manchester, landing in hot, sunny Nairobi.  We thought about what we would need to pack, and posed questions that we would like to find out the answers to throughout our topic.

Science Day!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 5:11pm

Science Day was a roaring success! We loved seeing your incredible projects; it is clear you worked very hard on them and the gallery looked great, this afternoon! Thank you to all parents who joined us to look at your children's books, join in with lessons and experiments together, in the afternoon, too.  

Chicks!, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:49pm

Class One have been learning all about the life cycles of different animals. This week, we have been very lucky to observe some little eggs in a special incubator. We were very excited to learn that some of the eggs hatched over the weekend. 

Visit to Church, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:45pm

Well we had a lovely walk to St Oswalds church. We have been learning all about the features of a church, so we went on an ispy feature hunt. We found a font, stained glass windows, pulpit, altar and even an organ! 

Class 2 Textiles work, by Miss Hughes

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:13pm

Class 2 have been working hard for the last couple of weeks on their latest 'Kapow' DT project.  They designed a hand-puppet based on a Traditional Tale character, then learnt how to join fabrics by glueing, stitching, pinning and stapling.  They used a template to cut out the felt in the right shape, then designed and cut out the pieces needed to embellish their design.  The children worked hard at sewing, or stapling, the felt together before using a glue gun to secure their embellishments.  Don't they look great, now they are finished? We ended our unit of work by evaluating our finished products.  The children made lovely comments about each others' work and were able to say how they could improve their own.  Well done, Class 2!

Sun Safety, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 5:01pm

Class 1 and 2 were visited today by Charlotte, from Cancer Research North West, who came to teach us all about the importance of staying safe in the sun.  She (and Hope Bear!) told us about sensible clothing choices, staying hydrated and using high factor, 5-star suncream.  We learnt that it is important to keep re-applying cream throughout the day and to wear hats and sunglasses to protect our sensitive skin and eyes.  After Charlotte's session with us, we dressed Hope Bear for her holidays and made postcards home from her.

Scarecrow Building in Class 2, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 4:58pm

Last Wednesday, five local residents came to work with Class 2, to build enormous scarecrows that will be displayed in some of the Warton gardens that will be open to the public next month!  We had a fantastic time working with the team (superbly organised by Claire) who taught us all about using natural materials, and reusing man-made materials, to avoid waste and protect the environment.  We created some fantastic scarecrows - look how big they are! We worked collaboratively in teams, fastening and attaching the different materials.  We tied lots of knots! Some of us even made crow headbands, to test out whether or not the scarecrows would 'scare' us away!

Thank you to the 'Garden Gang' for coming in to give us this wonderful opportunity.  We can't wait to take a walk around the village to see them all 'in situ'.   Perhaps you will go to see them, yourselves, too?  They have very kindly gifted tickets for the children of Class 2 +1 adult to access the local gardens for free.  Any refreshments purchased while visiting will help to contribute to a number of worthwhile charities.

Science Week Kicks Off, by Mr Pugh

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 2:56pm

Science Week has started with a visit from Charlotte who works for North West Cancer Research. EYFS and Class 2 learnt about Sun Safety. Class 3 looked at poo and looking after our gut. Class 4 discovered the link between cancer and DNA and extracted the DNA from strawberries and Bananas. We look forward to the rest of the week. 

Class 3 work for the environment, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 2:52pm

Class 3 have been working with Latksfoot and Arnside and Silverdale AOB about the decline of moths in the local area. The children have learnt all about the Garden Tiger Moth whose numbers have declined by 89% in the last 4 years. The children made badges,paintings and cloth moths using natural materials and the hapa some technique! They have all written letters to send to the local parish council to invest in wildlife friendly street lighting.

Class 3 Lego Electricity workshop, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 2:47pm

On Wednesday, Class 3 started their electricity topic with a Lego workshop. They made a city out of Lego and lite up the buildings by making a circuit. They even made an electric tram to go through their cities.

Class One learning, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 15th May 2023 @ 4:06pm

Class One have been very busy this week! In DT, we have been looking at boats. We tested waterproof materials and objects that could float and sink. We then designed, made and tested our own boats. In Maths, we have been learning about addition. We had a go at adding two numbers, using the language first, then and now. In our continuous provision, we had a go at drawing our plants and labelling them. 

Class 3 Field Trip up Warton Crag, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 3:03pm

Today, Class 3 went to the limestone pavements on Warton Crag to look at how they are made. They looked at the clints and grikes in the rocks and measured how deep the deep fissures in the rocks were. They also looked at different types of soil and what rare plants grow there. They also learnt how important the cattle are at maintaining the flora and fauna growth in this area of outstanding natural beauty.

Coronation Celebrations for King Charles III, by Mr Pugh

Date: 9th May 2023 @ 2:21pm

What a great day we had making crowns, painting pebbles, baking biscuits and being arty to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. 

Numicon number crowns, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 3:58pm

In Class One we have been learning all about King Charles and his coronation. We had a go at designing our own numicon crowns. We talked about the numbers we had used, the shape of them and if we could see any doubles or odd and even numbers. Some of us even made a repeating pattern!

Greenlands farm, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 7:03pm

Well what a fabulous time we had at Greenlands Farm. First, we went on a tour of the farm and found out about lots of animals. We asked some really good questions to help us find out more information and even got to handle some of the animals. After this, we had a play in the play barn and planted some cress seeds. We talked about what plants need to grow. Finally, we had lots of fun on the outdoor air pillow!

Cricket Taster Session, by Miss Hughes

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 7:53am

Classes 2 and 3 were treated to a cricket taster session with an instructor from the local cricket club, Warton All Stars.  They learnt to hold and control the bat, to swing and hit a ball, as well as team work, turn taking and persevering with a new skill.  The children loved the session!  Information on joining All Stars club will be sent home shortly, for those that are interested in playing more cricket outside of school.  Well done, everyone!

Sensory journey, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 2:26pm

In class one, we have been learning all about the story 'farmer duck'. We have been learning to describe the setting in the story. We found out that the duck had gone missing and we had to go on a sensory journey to find him. We repeated the phrase "we're going on a duck hunt, we're going to find a big one, what a beautiful day, we're not scared". We found a cold, wet pond, a swishy, swishy field and a dirty, muddy pig sty.

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