Our Gallery
Pupil Parliament, by Miss Hughes
Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 5:00pm
Four pupils from Year 5 accompanied Miss Hughes to Lancaster and Morecambe College today, to take part in the local 'Pupil Parliament' event.
The focus at Pupil Parliament this year is equality, diversity and combatting discrimination. The children learnt about the nine 'Protected Characteristics' of the Equality Act 2010 and how these are attributes that are protected by law; today's focus was racial equality. They learnt about a time in history when this wasn't always the case, and about a little girl called Ruby Bridges, who contributed to the resegregation of American schools. The children talked about how even the smallest of people can make the biggest difference, by standing up for what is right. They discussed the importance of tolerance, respect and fairness, as well as standing up for others and using their voices to speak out when they see injustice. They practised debating and speaking persuasively to a large audience of around 100 other children and almost 30 adults!
The children were a credit to the school and their families and came back informed and enthused, to educate their peers, speak up and make change. They are keen to share what they learnt in an assembly, help to make a display representing the protected characteristics and get involved in inviting visiting speakers to the school to widen our perspectives and teach us about other races, ethnicities and cultures. We are very proud of our representatives - well done!
It's a Material World, by Miss Hughes
Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 4:51pm
Class 2 started their new topic this week, learning all about materials. We kicked off our Science by exploring lots of different objects and discussing what they were made from. We were able to identify a lot of common household materials and sort objects by material. We even spotted that some objects are made of more than one material! Can you see which ones?
Springtime visit, by Miss Hughes
Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 9:36pm
On the last day of term, Archie's mum visited some classes in school with a new-born lamb from the family farm. This was a wonderful experience for the children and a fantastic opportunity to learn about the lambing season and how to treat a living thing with gentleness, kindness and respect.
Class 4, by Mr McGurk
Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 5:45pm
As part of our Design Technology lessons, Class 4 have been exploring how bridges work and the structures that are used to make them stronger. Using spaghetti, we constructed our bridges from scratch and were surprised quite how strong some of them turned out to be. Some held almost 10kgs in weight!
Super Science, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 15th Apr 2023 @ 8:15pm
Well, what a lovely last day we had before Easter. After our Easter break, our new topic is going to be all about life "on the farm". Archie's mummy brought a lovely, little spring surprise into school for us. We asked lots of good questions and even got a little cuddle.
After this, we made the most of our new school pond. On our last visit we noticed frog spawn and tadpoles so we decided to have a go and pond dipping and look at them more closely.
Class One Crag Trip, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 3:53pm
Class one had a lovely (but wet) time up the Crag. We met B , the park ranger and found some quiet, damp places to look for some bugs. Some of us had a go at making bug houses and some outdoor art.
Art, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 3:48pm
Class One have been learning all about Eric Carle. We made a range of prints by using marble inks, monoprint, brusho strokes, Lego prints and finger prints.
we then used our prints to create our own very hungry caterpillars.
Painting Plants in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 5:22pm
Class 2 have been learning about an artist called Ruth Daniels, whose art is inspired by nature and tropical rainforests. We have looked at her artwork and created an 'artist study' page in our sketchbooks, before having a go at colour mixing, practising different brushstrokes and learning to use watercolours effectively. We then took sections of her paintings, to each focus on one small part, developing the 'observational drawing' skills we learnt earlier in the year. We practised them in our sketchbooks, with pencils, to focus on shape, space and colour, before recreating them to scale with paints. We hope when we put them back together, they look like Ruth Daniels's artwork! On Friday, we will have a go at creating our very own nature-inspired paintings.
Plants in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 9:23am
Look! Our sunflowers have sprouted! We are very excited to see if the rest have germinated too. We'll transplant them into larger pots soon, but it is still too cold to plant them outside. Perhaps we could do this at home over the holidays?
Comic Relief 2023, by Miss Hughes
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 9:18am
We had a lot of fun fundraising for Comic Relief this 'Red Nose Day'. The children (and staff!) came in dressed in wacky clothing and, after lunch, we had a bubble run for fun. Then, in assembly, we were entertained by some of the children telling jokes. At our last count on Friday, we had raised over £100! Well done everyone, what a fantastic effort.
Class 4 Science Investigators- Forces, by Mr McGurk
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 6:11pm
This half term we are focussed on science and forces. What is gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance? Over the coming weeks we will be investigating and exploring our scientific ideas.
We began by investigating how we can measure the forces of gravity using force metres and then moved on to exploring friction and how this affects our every day lives.
Fire Service visit, by Miss Hughes
Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 2:21pm
Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service are in visiting us today, teaching Year2 about how to avoid fire risks and how to be safe around fires.
World Book Day, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 3:30pm
Class 3 really enjoyed writing poems and reading to Class 1!
World Book Day 2023, by Miss Hughes
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:48pm
What a wonderful World Book Day we've had! We loved sharing books with children from other classes, dressing up as our favourite characters and performing poems that we have written or learnt by heart this week.
Being plant hunters, like Lola!, by Miss Hughes
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:44pm
Class 2 have been reading 'Lola the Plant Hunter', so we decided to have a go! We made use of our beautiful grounds, to go on our very own plant hunt. We were amazed at how many we found, because at first glance all we spotted were grass, trees and daffodils. Did you know that lots of plants are just starting to come into bud and some are even waiting under the ground to sprout soon, in the Spring? We loved finding that out! And some that look dead are really just deciduous bushes, that haven't got their leaves back yet.
Planting Sunflower Seeds in Class 2, by Miss Hughes
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:41pm
As part of our big Science unit on Plants, class 2 have been planting sunflower seeds this week. We have thought about what they will need to grow and how to care for them to help them to thrive. We've even planted some in some unusual conditions, to measure the effect of changing variables. There's one in the fridge, one in Miss Hughes's desk drawer, one in a glove to keep it warm and one with loads of water! Which ones do you think will grow well and which won't?
Real Life Maths, by Miss Hughes
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:32pm
On Wednesday, one of our parents came in to tell us all about how importasnt our Maths topic of 'Measure' is, out in the real world. Mr Taylor showed us how he uses Maths and in particular, measure, every day in his job as a building planner. He told us about the huge buildings, home and playground that he has been involved in designing and how important it is for the designers, planners and builders to work together. They measure accurately and create amazing digital designs then communicate their ideas to bring them to life.
Learn To Ride, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 11th Jan 2023 @ 3:57pm
Reception and Year One have had a fab couple of days, with John, learning how to ride a bike. We used a balance bike to help us become more confident and then some of us had a go using a bike with pedals!
Step into the Past: Toys Through Time, by Miss Hughes
Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:06am
Class 2 started off their History themed topic by looking at and playing with toys from the past... do you recognise any?
History Detectives, by Miss Hughes
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 3:38pm
We have been learning about chronology and learning to sequence a timeline. We have looked at how houses have changed over time, then worked in groups to place them on a timeline from oldest to newest.
Class 4, by Mr McGurk
Date: 2nd Nov 2022 @ 5:39pm
This half term, Class 4's history theme is World War Two and how the largest war in human history affected the lives of children and their families in the UK. Whilst at the museum in Manchester we explored the artefacts on show, discovered more about rationing and The Blitz and even met Norma, an evacuee herself during the war.
Leighton Hall Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 3:30pm
Class 4, by Mr McGurk
Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 5:42pm
As part of our whole school Victorian theme week, the school visited Leighton Hall to learn about it's remarkable history, what it was like to live or work there during the Victorian era and even a surprise Bird of Prey display. We learned about the lives of the people who lived at the hall and were given a guided tour of each of Leighton Hall's fascinating rooms, upstairs and downstairs.
Design Technology - Seasonal vegetable tart, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 8:25am
Class 3, planned and designed a colourful vegetable tart. Then, they made them using all the skills that had learnt from the previous lessons.
Come Dine With Me - The Desserts, by Mr McGurk
Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 9:27am
Our Design and Technology challenge reaches its epic finale, Class 4 have been taking on the 'Come Dine with Me' challenge. Each group has researched and planned their own part of a three course meal. Working in groups, the children will prepare, make and taste their own meals. They will then be scored on appearance, smell and taste. Friday afternoon brought the finale and the desserts, each group had to come up with a recipe using pineapple. We saw everything sweet and tasty from Pinapple berry salad to a Pineapple upside down cake. Here is how they did...