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Come Dine With Me - The Mains, by Mr McGurk
Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 9:22am
Our Design and Technology work continues, Class 4 have been taking on the 'Come Dine with Me' challenge. Each group has researched and planned their own part of a three course meal. Working in groups, the children will prepare, make and taste their own meals. They will then be scored on appearance, smell and taste. Friday was the turn of the Mains, each group had to come up with a recipe using a Sausages. These ranged from Cheesy sausage on a bun to Sausage and mash with Laurence's own Yorkshire pudding recipe. Here is how they did...
Come Dine With Me - The starters!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 7:38pm
As part of our Design and Technology work, Class 4 have been taking on the 'Come Dine with Me' challenge. Each group has researched and planned their own part of a three course meal. Working in groups, the children will prepare, make and taste their own meals. They will then be scored on appearance, smell and taste. Today was the turn of the Starters, each group had to come up with a recipe using a bell pepper. Here is how they did...
Class 4 and RSPB on Warton Mires., by Mr McGurk
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:01pm
Over the last few weeks, Class 4 have been visited by Kath from the RSPB to do some work about the new Warton Mire nature reserve just outside our school. This new venture has been devised to help protect our local environment and wildlife, promote protecting our local area and to work to protect our homes and local are from flooding. Kath has included the children in asking question, generating ideas and thinking about what we can do to care for our local areas of natural beauty. We started with a visit in school and then a field trip onto the Mire itself.
Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 2:55pm
Here is Class 3 making seasonal fruit crumble. They picked apples and blackberries from the school field!
Class 2 Yoga Day, by Miss Hughes
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 4:00pm
Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 12:24pm
Class 3 have been learning about foods from around the world and made Japanese fruit skewers!
Class 1 Science, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 7:31pm
In science, we have been learning all about the body. We practised singing head, shoulders, knees and toes and had a go at drawing around a friend and naming the parts of the body. We can even tell you where our heart is and what it does!
We then learnt about the 5 senses, hear, taste, smell, sight and touch. We went for a sensory walk around the village, we could see different buildings including the church and we even found some lavender and rosemary to smell. We then had a little visit to the park and even found some conkers in their shells!
Class 1 DT, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 4:26pm
In DT class 1 have been learning all about fruits and vegetables. We sorted the items into fruit and vegetable categories. We then talked about how fruits have got seeds and even a cucumber is a fruit! After we sorted them, it was our favourite part - the tasting! Yum yum!
Westmorland Show 2022, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:41pm
first day!, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 5th Sep 2022 @ 3:53pm
Today was Reception's first afternoon and what a fabulous afternoon we have had. We were super busy doing lots of fun activities and making new friends. We are very excited for our first full day tomorrow!
Class 4s Maya Tile Making, by Mr McGurk
Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 11:40am
To finish off out topic about the Maya, Class 4 have been making Maya inspired clay tiles!
Class 4 meet Shaun Gash and play wheelchair basketball!, by Mr McGurk
Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 7:09am
What a week we have had! On Friday, Shaun Gash, who uses a wheelchair, came into school to tell his inspirational and motivational story and he also allowed us to play a few round of wheelchair basketball! What a day, Class 4 is full of very competitive wheelchair basketballers!
Year 6 Leavers, by Mr McGurk
Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 7:00am
As the year comes to an end we are preparing to say goodbye to our amazing bunch of Year 6s! The last few days have included our superb show 'Archbishop Huttons Got Talent', a trip to Lancaster to watch Jurassic World and a rounders pizza party and he sad defeat of the school staff by Year 6! ?
Well done Year 6!
Class 1 at Leighton Moss, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 3:39pm
Class One were very excited to be going on their long awaited trip to Leighton Moss. We listened to Kath and Fiona about birds and their habitats. Then we went to make elf houses using natural materials. We talked about what we could use for the walls, roof, door and furniture.
After lunch, we went on a sensory walk. We were very excited to go to the top of the sky tower and look for birds. Next, we continued our walk and used our senses to look, feel and listen for things. We were very tired at the end of the trip but we had a lovely day!
KS1 visit the Earth, by Miss Massaro
Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 7:38pm
Class 1 and 2 had a fantastic day in Lancaster visiting the Earth. The children were so excited to be on a train!
All the children were sat under the Earth drawing and colouring and then we completed other fun activities. We were all so amazed by the size and enjoyed identifying different countries and continents. What an amazing day!
Year 5/6 Girls Football, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 4:26pm
Today , ten girls from year 5 & 6 took part in a local football competition and won! Well done girls!
Farm Stars on Border News, by Mr Pugh
Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:51am
Class 3 went to Heaves farm, near Kendal to take part in the Open Farm day. We made it onto Border News.
Class 1 Batik, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:43am
Class 1 have been learning all about seasons. We looked at the colours associated with each season and created a textile pillow. We then used the wax and batik tools to create our design on the front of the pillow. We then painted our pillow using brusho. After this, we practised our sewing skills by sewing buttons on the front.
Class 1 Art, by Mrs Barclay
Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:37am
Class 1 have been learning all about transport. We had a go at drawing our own mode of transport, then we made our own printing tile. We then used the special printing ink and printed our own picture. Have a look at our amazing creations!
Gaia at The Priory, by Mr McGurk
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 5:27pm
The Priory in Lancaster is currently hosting a spectacular piece of artwork named Gaia - the Earth - so class 4 jumped on the train and enjoyed a fantastic day exploring the church, taking in the beautiful views of our home planet!
Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 3:34pm
Today, Class 3 visited a working dairy farm in Cumbria. They learned how food arrives on their plates and how a working farm operates. Here are some of the best pictures of the day! Evie and Sam were interviewed for Granada reports and should appear on tonight's 6 pm news!,
Class 2 Aeroplanes, by Miss Massaro
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 3:30pm
Class 2 have been enjoying studying The Wright Brothers this half term. Today we made our own aeroplanes and went in the hall and outside to see how far they could fly!
Class 2 have been really inspired by Wilbur and Orville and their inventions.
Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk
Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 4:06pm
Today, Class 3 travelled by train to Lancaster and walked to the Priory Church! Inside they saw the gigantic Gaia measuring 7 metres in diameter. It is 1.8 million times smaller than the real earth but the children were blown away by its size.
Sports Day - Field Events, by Mr Pugh
Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 12:47pm
We dodged the rain and got the first half of Sports Day 2022 in the bag. The afternoon was wet, but we got the lot done! Everyone was fabulously behaved and we all had a great time! Well done! Here are the best of the pictures....
PSHE - What Makes a Good Friend?, by Mr Pugh
Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 10:32am
We had a great afternoon in Class 3 and 4 discussing friendship. We made an agreement on what friendship looks like and worked in groups to create a set of Friendhip advertisment posters. We watched some videos which led to discussions about the right and wrong decisions we can make that lead to friendship problems.