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Class 3 Liverpool Museum Trip to Ancient Egypt and the Afterlife, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 3:25pm

Class 4 at Young Voices 2025, by Mr McGurk

Date: 26th Feb 2025 @ 9:48am

Another spectacular year taking part in the Young Voices choir. Years 5 and 6 had an absoliute blast and did the school and their parents proud. They sang their heart out, danced and raved the night away. Some very tired face but an expereince like no other! This year we were joined by over 7500 other children as well at MC Grammar and Tommy Blaze from Strictly.

Class 1 & 2 trip to Judges Lodgings, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 4:18pm

Class 1 and 2 had a great time at Judge's Lodgings. We were very excited to walk to the station and hop on the train to Lancaster. We participated in different workshops including the Victorian School, The Toy Museum and Playroom, Victorians at play and work downstairs. We had a great time and learnt lots of new and exciting things. Both classes will spend the next couple of days writing a recount about our trip. 

Class 2 English - Messy Sinks, by Miss Hughes

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:30pm

Class 2 are reading Mini Grey's "Traction Man is Here!".  Traction Man goes on adventures around the house, solving problems and saving characters.  In one of them, he dives into the foamy waters of the kitchen sink.  To help us to generate vocabulary and develop our ideas, to write a setting description, we explored some messy sinks ourselves!  The children were suitably horrified and delighted by this activity - can you tell? They came up wtih some phenomenal language afterwards and used it to write super setting descriptions.

Class 4 and the Lancaster Slave Trade Trail, by Mr McGurk

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 6:52am

As part of our Black History Month focus, Class 4 visited Lancaster to investigate its links to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and how it is still present in Lancaster today. We explored the city's centre, found evidence of enslaved Africans in Lancaster even now and had a guided tour around the artefacts to be found at the Maritime Museum. A very engaging and challenging topic and the children were fascinated and learned a great deal. 

Year 2 Fire Service visit, by Miss Hughes

Date: 30th Oct 2024 @ 7:41pm

Community Support Officers Jenny and Geri from the Fire and Rescue Service came to visit Year 2 today.  They helped the children to explore and understand safe and good uses of fire, as well as risks and dangers associated with fire.  They showed the children how to 'Stop, Drop and Roll' should they ever need to extinguish flames from their clothes or person, and how to make a 999 call for assistance if there was ever a fire at home or elsewhere.  The children learnt about the importance of having a fire safety plan in the home as well as at school, and the importance of practising it and discussing it with their families, to be best prepared to keep everyone safe.  At the end of the session, the children acted out a scenario and even got to try on firefighter helmets and jackets! They had lots of fun, learnt a lot and answered all of the questions they were posed very sensibly and with well-thought out responses.  Well done, Year 2!

Class 3 cutting and peeling, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 1:08pm

Class 3 seasonal crumble, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 1:02pm

Aquathon, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 1:00pm

Making Wraps, by Miss Hughes

Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 9:29pm

On Tuesday, Class 2 made the wraps they have been designing.  After taste-testing ingredients, conducting surveys on their favourites and then selecting their own choices, the children finally combined all of their knowledge about a balanced diet and food groups with new skills like cutting, folding, spreading and rolling.  They worked incredibly well in their teams and were especially mindful of an allergy in the room, showing they could be very sensible and careful with their handling of food.  A huge thank you to the parents who were able to come and join us, to help make sure everyone was safe with the knives and getting turns to try out new skills, not to mention the clean-up!  Well done, Class 2.

Taste Testing, by Miss Hughes

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 8:27pm

As part of our combined DT and Science units, Class 2 have been learning about a balanced diet and the main food groups.  Today, we had a taste testing session to help us choose healthy ingredients for the wraps we will be making next week.  We tasted lots of foods from various food groups, including tofu, avocado, red onion, spring onion, cream cheese, wholemeal wraps and hard-boiled egg (among many others!).  Ask us what we liked and what we didn't like - we've been working on using interesting adjectives to describe the taste, texture, colour and smell of foods, too.  Can you tell from the last few pictures how we felt about some of the foods? 

Traditional Tales, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 5:50pm

We have started the year by reading and discussing lots of traditional tales.  We spent some of our English lessons last week unpicking the structure and features of traditional tales and spotting the common elements and themes.  We also looked at a the subtle differences between traditional tales and fairy tales.  It turns out that we know lots of both types of stories! We had a go at describing some of the characters, using interesting adjective choices, and we worked in small teams to unscramble some jumbled up sentences.  We are learning what a sentence sounds like (it must make sense and be a complete thought) and looking for clues such as capital letters and full stops to help us find the beginning and the end.

DT & Science Sugar Investigation, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 5:38pm

This term in Class 2, we are learning all about the human body and how to keep it healthy.  Last week, we investigated lots of popular drinks, to see how much sugar each one had in it.  We made predictions, measured out the equivalent grams of sugar to see it as a raw product and compared the different quantities.  We were amazed by a few of the drinks! For example, there was more sugar in the fresh orange than any of the other drinks! Which went completely against our prediction.  We also learnt that some of the drinks contain caffeine, so even though they had less sugar than we expected they aren't the best thing for us to drink. Ask us at home if we can remember which drink had the least sugar...

PSHE in Class 2: Zones of Regulation, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 5:18pm

Class 2 have started the year with lots of PSHE, discussing emotions and feelings to help them with transition from Reception - Year 1, and becoming Year 2 pupils.  We have read lots of stories about worries and how to manage them so that they don't get too big and take over (like Alex's llama, in "The Drama Llama"!) We are learning about the 'Zones of Regulation', to help the children understand that all feelings are valid and OK, but that our responses and reactions to different feelings can be managed.  We have talked about 'good' feelings and 'bad' feelings and will be discussing ways of changing our feelings back to the Green Zone when we need to, from the other zones.  This week we thought about which feelings belong to the different zones and what events or interactions might make us feel those emotions. The zones are: Green - calm, happy, settled, ready to learn / Blue - sad, tired, sick / Yellow - giddy, silly, frustrated, worried, anxious / Red - angry, scared, overexcited. Stay posted for more information about how you can use the Zones at home, too.

Tennis for Key Stage 1, by Miss Hughes

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 5:10pm

Class 2 are very lucky this term to have Coach Harry in teaching them some tennis skills! Year 1 are developing what they learnt with Harry last year, whilst tennis is completely new to Year 2.  The children are improving fundamental movement skills such as controlling a ball with a racket, bouncing a ball, throwing and catching and aiming at a target.

Westmorland County Shiw, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 18th Sep 2024 @ 1:27pm

Year 6 Treat Day to Williamsons Park, by Mr McGurk

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 9:08pm

As part of Year 6's final week at our school we have enjoyed a day in Lancaster at Williamson Park. The sun came out and we enjoyed a good wander, games, exploring the woods and a well deserved ice cream. A truly great bunch of young people- we had a blast!

'CommunityMindConnect' Mental Health Outdoors session, by Miss Hughes

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 2:15pm

Tom from "Community Mind Connect" joined us on Friday (in class 2) and Monday (with Class 1) to encourage the children to spend time outdoors and be more creative, for their mental wellbeing.  The children were a credit to themselves in the way they behaved on our walks out in the community and in their teamwork creating art using natural materials, back in class in the afternoons.  A fun day was had by all!

Working collaboratively across year groups, by Miss Hughes

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 10:19am

This year we have trieds something new; a couple of times this year, we have invited Year 5 in to suppport Class 2 with the writing process, specifically planning their ideas out.  This week Year 5 have been helping us to plan out our innovated stories, based on Simon Bartram's "Man on the Moon".  We can't wait to share the finished product with them!

Greek collage Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 1:18pm

Den Building - Outdoor Adventurous Activities, by Miss Hughes

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 1:08pm

Class 2 and Class 3 were very lucky to get a very exciting OAA session today with Greg, who challenged us to build shelters using simple materials and what we could find in our environment.  Class 2 linked this to what we have learnt about historic and modern exploration expeditions, thinking about what you would need to help you survive in the wild.  The children worked very efficiently in teams to assemble their given materials and scavenge further resources.  Ultimately, every group was able to build a functional shelter, with additional extras such as bedding, a firepit, washing lines and even 'motion sensored cameras' and camera traps to detect and deter wild animals! Some groups were very creative and imaginative and really threw their all into this brilliant activity.  We even spotted parachutes in the sky, which added to the joy of the morning!

World Museum Liverpool, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 9:31pm

Class 1 and 2 had a fantastic end-of-year trip to World Museum Liverpool.  The children were - as usual - incredibly well behaved and a credit to the school.  They had a wonderful time exploring many parts of the huge museum; for some of them, a first time in museums like this.  They were in awe the minute they walked in under the terasaur, and saw the huge glass lift and six floors of wonder!  We had the chance to look around lots of exhibits including: the dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, the aquarium, 'Clore Natural History', the bug house and 'Space and Time'.  The children were enthralled throughout.  Thank you, parents, for making this possible!

Transition into Class 2, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 8:27pm

We had our transition morning on Wednesday and the children from Class 1 joined Year 1, in Class 2.  They were all absolute superstars and played really nicely together while 'Choosing' and worked hard on their 'All About Me' sheets.  We talked about what will make a happy and safe classroom and everyone shared some fantastic suggestions to add to our expectations poster.  I have loved reading the 'All About Me' sheets and finding out little fun facts about all my new Year Ones!

A few more from Royal Opera House 'Create Day', by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 8:06pm

Here are a few more snaps from the final performance during 'Create Day'.  A fantastic day was had by all and this children did so well learning so much in such a short space of time.

Investigating the Apollo 11 mission of 1969, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 7:54pm

This half term, Class 2 have been working incredibly hard in their History lessons... playing with playdough, running around, dressing up...!  Through investigating secondary sources and doing an 'Outdoors Adveturous Activities' scavenger hunt-style quiz, sequencing pictures and modelling key scenes and events, the children have learnt a lot of information about the moon landing and why it is a significant event in human history; they've had a lot of fun doing it, too!

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